A normal woman’s face can be smoothened into artistlike smooth face by a simple way in Photoshop. What you need is a woman model photo in normal state ( no under or over lighting, and the color should be natural ). The steps are:
- Open picture in Photoshop
- In the History Pallete, click Create New Snapshot ( camera icon). A snapshot named Snapshot 1 will appear in the History Pallete
- Click Filter, Blur, Gaussian Blur.
- Set the value of the Gaussian Blur so that the face will look smooth. In this state of course all part of the pict will look blurred.
- Create another snapshot that will be automatically named Snapshot 2.
- In the Snapshot 2, clik the little box on the left, so a history state icon will appear there
- Click the Snapshot 1.
- Press Y button to activate History Tool.
- Set the value of Hitory Tool opacity ( on the top of the Photoshop window) between 60% and 70%.
- Sweep the woman’s face carefully with this history tool.
- Do not sweep lips, eyes and nose’s holes.
- If needed, you can enlarge this tool by pressing ] button or make it smaller by pressing [ button.
- For the parts with hard line such as nose and chin, you should reduce the History Tool opacity into about 30% or 40%.
- Done...
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